Your Photography Can Help Raise Awareness

The following is an article submitted by one of our readers, Fred Bonilla. We know that a lot of folks need your help, and ask for it every day.
This organization is asking you to use your skills as a photographer to help the cause.

1 Thing, 1 Cause, 1 Change – The Bold Agenda of “Do1Thing”
by Fred Bonilla

Coming off the initial good vibes of the inauguration and the new incoming administration, and Barack Obama’s call for increased social involvement, I was pleasantly surprised to be made aware of an effort by a number of prominent photographers to do good and begin a ongoing effort to raise awareness of important social issues. And it begins this Valentine’s Day…

[photopress:Foster_Rodney_AS.jpg,full,centered] ©Najlah Feanny/

In speaking with Do1Thing’s co-founder Najlah Feanny, their initial focus will be on teenage homelessness.

She explains that “There are more homeless people today than at any previous time in U.S. history, with more than 1.3 million of them being children. Do1Thing is our call to action to make a difference. We believe that by focusing our efforts on highlighting 1 Cause while asking people to do 1 Thing for that cause, great change will come. More than 30 Pulitzer-prize winning photographers and some of the most recognized names in photography have come together in conjunction with Covenant House to put a face on teenage homelessness while asking you to put a face on activism and do 1 thing to help. Why focus on teenage homelessness? Three out of every 10 homeless adults admit to a history in foster and with 25,000+ children aging out of the foster care system each year, many will end up experiencing homelessness. The issues surrounding homelessness are gigantic. The solutions offered are endless. But what if everyone did 1 thing on 1 day to help this 1 cause? On the day where we spend 14 billion dollars telling each other how much we care, we appeal for any one who is moved to do so Do1Thing for homeless teens to make their lives a little better”.

An initial look at their website, shows video appeals from award winning photojournalist Ron Haviv and some homeless teens themselves from the different Covenant House shelters nationwide. The list of photographers is very impressive, and companies such as Canon, Fuji and Think Tank has joined forces to help out. A major national magazine has expressed interest in publishing the project’s photographs as well.
I urge you to check out the site and help out in any way you can.

Looking at the larger picture, we can certainly do1thing on Valentine’s Day, however large or small to reach out and help someone in need.
It excites me that we can continue to use our craft and vocation to make a difference, as so many have done before.
Check it out and Happy Valentine’s Day…

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  • Through Jan 11th,2025
  • 11 West 53rd St
  • , New York, NY 10019
  • Tel: 212.857.0000
  • Howard Greenberg Gallery
  • Extra! Extra!News Photographs 1903-1975
  • Through Nov. 16th, 2024
  • 41 East 57th Street, Suite 801
  • New York,NY 10022
  • Tel: 212-334-0100
  • Peter Fetterman Gallery
  • Her: The Great Women Photographers
  • Aug 17th – Nov 24th, 2024
  • 2525 Michigan Avenue Gallery A1
  • Santa Monica, CA
  • 90404
  • Phone: 310.453.6463

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