Holiday Gift Guide 2019 – Part 3 – Photo Books to Give and Get!
Still getting last minute discounted prices on sooo many things. Just about every camera store has deals coming almost daily.
In other categories, let’s look at a gift that never gets a software update: Photo Books!
This also seems to be the year of great reprints, so keep an eye out for those Maybe a commentary on new photography, maybe the book market is finding it’s level.
I’ll go through the previous faves here. As I mentioned, some things don’t need updating, but do go out of print so have a watch put on those. Not everything gets a reprint!
One of my new fave companion books to Photographers Playbook, is PhotoWork: 40 Photographers On Process and Practice.
The good folks at Aperture have developed an easy to digest format, of asking 40 fine art photographers the same questions, such as “ How do you know when a body of work is finished?” This is a book of exploration, and no photographs are presented. A thought starter. Everyone can use some inspiration. about $18.
In the reprint arena one of the great choices is, Subway by Bruce Davidson
A portrait of the lifeblood of NYC, told in a brooding color love letter, that captured a time, and a culture that makes the melting pot, an overused phrase, a visual reality.
One of the most iconic music photos was taken by Art Kane in 1958.

This year, a book chronicling that shoot was published, and I still go back to it for the stories, and the set up. For the music lover, story lover, and the curious. There is a limited edition copy with a print, but I understand it’s not a print of the final image. Book only about $60
Douglas Kirkland is not only one of the most prolific celebrity photographers, an amazing talent, teacher, and perhaps the nicest man in the business, he has a body of work that is unparalleled.
A gift that you can share across a broad spectrum of people in your sphere, A Life in Pictures, a Douglas Kirkland Monograph, should be in your library.
There is a great series from Aperture in their educational series.
With insights and revelations from major artists like Mary Ellen Mark, Larry Fink, Todd Hido, Alex Webb, and Dawoud Bey, these are affordable softcover books to help inspire. On the site it says a lot are sold out but I’ve found them on Amazon easily. You should click the link to see their other offerings
I won’t go into the more esoteric, and small run books, as it would it be a shame if I recco and you can’t find.
There is one book I love to gift and just got 10 more copies in to hand out, and that’s Family Of Man.
It’s the most well attending photo exhibit ever, and tells the tale of the human condition, by 256 photographers from around the world. Sure, the show opened in 1955, and the world has gotten a ton smaller, but there are truths there that still hold. A classic gift. Truth is, I found this book in our family bookshelf when I was 8, and it changed my life, and brought me to a life of photography.
Amazon just told me that I’ve made 18 purchases of this book, with multiples in each order.
There will be one more gift guide, as this year, Christmas and Hanukkah intersect so there is time to get more gifts! Next up will be some bits and bobs that you may have missed.
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