Weekly Giveaway – Nikon School DVD: Understanding Digital Photography

Oh, we know you’ve already got it down.
But I know there isn’t one of us that couldn’t use a little refresher. Or perhaps just a way to explain things to your friends who all look at you as the photo guru.
Sure, we’ve seen it.
dvd_udp_mc You may just know how to do what you do photographically because of the amount of time, and trial and error you’ve gone through. But when your buddy at the office asks you some tech questions, can you explain it all in plain language?
Well, this DVD from Nikon, Understanding Digital Photography, is going to help you do that. Click the link to watch a sample clip.
And you could be surprised by what you may pick up yourself. We always feel that there is some nuance that may help make a better photo that we haven’t used yet.
Plus you’ll get an insight into using the D-Movie feature.
Of course since this is a Nikon product, their cameras are featured, although the learing you will get are some of the standard digital photography lessons.
Who wants to open up the inch thick manual? Not many of us, so this DVD should give you a pretty darn good start.
Keep that manual handy for reference though. You’ll find that the exact thing you may want to do, is only in that tech guide.
Oh, and if you have a Nikon D5000, we’ll be giving away a special DVD on the best ways to shoot with that camera on Weds., also.
Next week we have some heavy duty software for the more advanced group out there: a copy of Nikon Capture NX2, for your RAW processing needs.

Just make sure you are signed up for the weekly NEWSLETTER.

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  • May 12th-Sept 7th
  • 11 West 53rd St
  • , New York, NY 10019
  • Tel: 212.857.0000
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  • Conversations-Joel Meyerowitz
  • April 20th – June 7th
  • 41 East 57th Street, Suite 801
  • New York,NY 10022
  • Tel: 212-334-0100
  • Peter Fetterman Gallery
  • Michael Kenna: Japan -A Love Story
  • May 11th – July 20th
  • 2525 Michigan Avenue Gallery A1
  • Santa Monica, CA
  • 90404
  • Phone: 310.453.6463

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