Latest News from Adobe MAX – My Favorite New Addition to The Creative Suite

Monday, October 15th, 2018

Do you post to social media much? Yeah, I know the answer. On the daily. Probably multiple times in a day. Adobe has now introduced one of the best, time saving tools you can get! With a cross platform, intuitive editing tool, you just got some extra sleep, or the time to create more content. […]

Adobe CC Updates: Next Level Additions!

Tuesday, June 21st, 2016

If you are not using the Creative Cloud By Adobe, I just don’t know what to say. For $119 a year, you get the best tools for your photographic life, designed by a company whose base level DNA is digital imaging. Seriously. They have a new round of updates, and some things you can’t live […]

Adobe Elements 11 changes the focus starting with the Home Screen

Sunday, December 9th, 2012

Price alert! Amazon listed this combo pack of Adobe Photoshop and Premiere Elements 11 for $100! Seriously a great deal. Ok, carry on. Ahhhh… We have finally come to a collective consciousness that we shoot sooooo many digital images, it is getting to be a bit unwieldy. Yeah, the enthusiasts and pros are used to […]

DSC3401_3.jpeg : Is that you Grandma? Adobe may have the answer for you, in Photoshop Elements 10

Sunday, May 20th, 2012

You’ve been shooting like crazy these past years, and thanks to digital, you keep shooting, and shooting, and shooting. Now where was that shot from Thanksgiving, with Grandma, and the pie she is famous for? Seriously. Where is it? With all of the digital files we generate, sometimes people don’t organize the images from the […]

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Upcoming Events

Is there an event we should know about?
Let us know on twitter.

Current Exhibitions

  • MOMA
  • LaToya Ruby Frazier-Monuments of Solidarity
  • May 12th-Sept 7th
  • 11 West 53rd St
  • , New York, NY 10019
  • Tel: 212.857.0000
  • Howard Greenberg Gallery
  • Conversations-Joel Meyerowitz
  • April 20th – June 7th
  • 41 East 57th Street, Suite 801
  • New York,NY 10022
  • Tel: 212-334-0100
  • Peter Fetterman Gallery
  • Michael Kenna: Japan -A Love Story
  • May 11th – July 20th
  • 2525 Michigan Avenue Gallery A1
  • Santa Monica, CA
  • 90404
  • Phone: 310.453.6463

Is there an exhibition we’re missing? Let us know on twitter.

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